A picture of myself


I am Nicolás Carvajal

This is an introduction to my personal life. You will find information about my projects, my hobbies and abilities, as well as my academic formation and experience.

I am a Computer and Systems Engineering student at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. I love to help others and learn every day. If you want to know more about me keep scrolling.


  1. 2019

    1. Introduction to Engineering Group Project - Jukebox that worked with plastic caps

      With my team we made a Jukebox which worked by inserting plastic bottle caps to play music. It reduced contamination by plastic.

    2. Introduction to Engineering Group Project - Auditory traffic light

      With my team we made a "traffic light" which indicated when there was a lot of auditory pollution in a place.

  2. 2020

    1. Personal Project - PokeHeight

      An iOS app I made to see what is the difference in height between you and the Pokemon you select.

    2. Student Council Project - Video Tutorials for workers in my university

      The use of email and video conferencing apps increased due to the pandemic. With another student we created video tutorials for workers at our university to learn how to use those apps.

  3. 2021

    1. Second Year Project - Hogarineitor

      With my team we made an app that made it possible to find home appliances in different stores from Colombia at the lowest cost. A demonstration video is presented:

  4. 2022

    1. Petplan

      For the course of web technologies, we made a website to connect pet owners with pet shops. You can visit the website in this link

    2. CSBridge Section Leader

      I had the opportunity to participate as a section leader in Stanford/Uniandes CSBridge 2022 in Bogotá. I had the chance to teach programming to high school students and learn a lot from them.

    3. Bubblegram (Hackathon project)

      In this hackathon we were asked to create a social media app capable of authentication, image uploading and comment and liking using AWS Amplify. You can check out the project using this link

Hobbies and abilities

  • Hobbies

    • Play volleyball

      I used to play volleyball since I was 12 years old. Now that I am older, I enjoy watching volleyball games and sometimes go outside to play.

    • Listening to music

      I love listening to music on Spotify. Here is one of my favorite tracks:
      DROELOE - In Time (feat. Belle Doron)

  • Abilities

    • Java

      I have learned Java since 2019 and I have an advance level in this programing language.

    • Python

      I have learned Python since 2018 and I have an intermediate level in this programing language.

    • JavaScript

      I have learned JavaScript since 2021 and I have experience both in back and front end development with Node.js and React.

Academic formation and experience

  • Academic formation

    1. School - Gimnasio Vermont

      I graduated high school from Gimnasio Vermont School in Bogotá, Colombia. I was the student representative my last year and was top 3 among my classmates.

    2. Current University - Universidad de los Andes

      I am currently studying at Universidad de los Andes as a Computer and Systems Engineer with a minor in Computational Math. My expected graduation year is 2023 and I have a GPA of 4.80/5.

  • Experience

    1. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Programming Tutor (Jan. 2020 - Jun 2021)

      Worked at CupiTaller, the university's programming help center for students taking the first programming courses, helping 100+ students as a tutor in Python.

    2. Undergraduate Research Assistant (Jun. 2021 - Aug 2022)

      Co-created coding projects and exercises for the Introduction to Programming course in Python at Universidad de Los Andes to help 1000+ students to practice their skills. Created an application to keep track of the performance of teaching assistants in the Introduction to Programming and Data Structures courses. Maintained an application to keep track of the performance of students in the Introduction to Programming course.

    3. Open Source Fellow @AWS (Sep 2022 - Today)

      Open-Source Fellow contributing to AWS Amplify Open Source Project via MLH Fellowship. I am currently working on contributing to the AWS Amplify project by looking for issues to solve and working on them.